The Nature Place welcomes homeschooled students to participate in science series, giving access to resources and opportunities to interact with nature and each other!

We offer Homeschool Science Series every fall, winter, and spring for ages 6-12. Each program set is 4 to 6 weeks.

Fall 2024 

  • 4 week series with Life Sciences theme
  • Costs $40 ($36 for each additional child)
  • Preregistration required, space is limited
  • 6 - 8 year olds meet Tuesdays, Oct. 29 - Nov. 19   1 - 2:30pm
  • 9 - 12 year olds meet Thursdays, Oct. 31. - Nov. 21  1 - 2:30pm

Contact: Cindy Blobaum, Environmental Education Program Manager
Email Cindy or call 608-860-6864 ext. 234

Three young learners looking into silver pan of marsh plants and water on a table with a female leader at the far end of the table with tweezers.

Have you recently attended a program with us? Your feedback helps us to continually improve!