In partnership with local conservation organizations in the La Crosse Area, we are proud to be a part of the La Crosse Leopold Days 2025 Celebration!
This year’s Aldo Leopold celebration of the renowned Wisconsin ecologist will explore “Water Ways in the Driftless: Leopold’s Land (and Water) Ethic in a Time of Deluge.” The observance includes activities and events on Thursday, February 27 at Viterbo’s Recital Hall and on Saturday March 1 from 9:00 a.m.- noon at The Nature Place in La Crosse’s Myrick Park and from 2:00-4:30 p.m. at the ORA Community Trails Farm. All events are FREE and open to the public.
9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. – Speakers in the Marshview Room
- Welcome from Stephanie Hanna of The Nature Place
- Rick Kyte reading from Leopold’s Sand County Almanac
- Gretchen Pfeiffer of Mississippi Valley Conservancy – Leopold land ethic and water issues and the Coon Creek project legacy
- Bob Micheel, Monroe County Land conservation director on the dam removal proposals for the Coon Creek and West Fork watersheds
- Jason Freund – TU Coulee Region president and UWL Biology professor on the effects of dam decommissioning for trout streams
10:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. – Break
10:45 a.m. – Speaker in the Marshview Room
Madeline Heim, the Journal Sentinel and Mississippi River basin Ag & Water Desk reporter on her coverage of Driftless Water issues and the work of the Mississippi River basin Ag and Water Desk to make reporting on these issues free and available to any media outlets.
Reading from Sand County Almanac. Followed by a reading from Sand County Almanac.
9:00 a.m.-Noon – Tables and Displays in the Atrium
Valley Stewardship Network
Learn how you can become a Water Action Volunteer (WAV) and monitor water quality in a stream near you. Ben Johnston will tell you all about WAV, the statewide citizen-science program of UW Extension and the Wisconsin DNR.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Alicia Carhart will bring a poster highlighting changes in wild rice distribution on the river and the Upper Mississippi River Restoration program, as well as some herbarium specimens of wild rice and some other aquatic plants
Mississippi Valley Conservancy
Learn how land conservation helps prevent flooding and erosion in this time of climate change in SW Wisconsin. Volunteers from the Conservancy will share ways for you to get outdoors and get involved.
Friends of the Marsh
Members will describe marsh restoration efforts and share information about the Friends group.
ORA Trails
ORA Trails will represent stream restoration plans and dreams for the Community Trail Farm, highlight native plant revegetation opportunities, and share research findings from recent stream sampling conducted at the site.