In partnership with local conservation organizations in the La Crosse Area, we are proud to be a part of the La Crosse Leopold days 2025 Celebration!
Thursday, Feb. 27 at 7:00 p.m.
Viterbo Recital Hall, Viterbo University Fine Arts Center
929 Jackson St, La Crosse, WI 54601
“A Visit from Will Dilg” a Steve Marking performance presented by D.B. Reinhart Institute. Steven Marking plays Will Dilg in an inspiring, one-man performance. An avid trout fisherman and Chicago advertising executive, Will Dilg and his wife spent their summers on a houseboat in Winona, Minn. After suffering from the drowning death of his son in the early 1920’s, Dilg rose from the depths of depression to save a 261 mile stretch of Mississippi River backwaters from drainage for agriculture. This stretch of river is now known as the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. Through Dilg’s creation of the Izaak Walton League of America and successful engagement of private and public organizations, Dilg petitioned Congress for this stretch of the river to become the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. The refuge is one of more than 500 national wildlife refuges offering high quality wildlife habitat and opportunities for public recreation.