The Nature Place has a team of staff, AmeriCorps Members, and volunteers who participate in this fun Community Science event. Here is more info about it and how to get involved from Dan who is the Compiler of Results for the La Crosse Area.
The La Crosse / La Crescent Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is coming up on Saturday, December 14th and I would love your help!! As someone who has participated in the past or is an active birder in the La Crosse area, I could especially use your help as a section counter. For those who haven’t participated in the past, for the La Crosse CBC, we count all the birds that we can find on the count day within a 15-mile circle centered on the La Crosse County Courthouse. I divide the circle in 25-30 sections, and individuals or teams are responsible for covering a pre-assigned section on the count day (this year 12/14/2024). Section assignments are based on previous involvement. It is very helpful to have the same person count the same section each year since they have learned the “hot spots” in that section. Therefore, if I have a returning counter who wants to stay in the same section, they will have that choice. Due to scheduling issues close to the Christmas season, I always need new counters for existing sections and, if there are enough volunteers, I can divide sections or have people work as part of a team. For those who have participated in the past, thanks again for your help and I hope that I can count on you again this year. For people who haven’t participated, I hope that you will give it a try!! CBC page of the website: This page includes a link to the latest map and the prior year results. Contact me Dan Jackson, Compiler La Crosse Area Christmas Bird Count to help at